Thursday, 8 November 2012

Regency portraits and something else for the walls...

Morning! I seem to have been playing catch-up (and winning!) so far today, after yesterdays' slumber and my neck refusing to cooperate with my wishes the couple of days prior to that, then before that, the internet going awol... Anyhooo...
Today, I've finished two new Sense and Sensibility paintings - this little Marianne Dashwood as a comission for a lovely lady who missed Marianne #1! Here she is:

I'll be making prints of her soonly!
There are already prints available IN THE SHOP of Marianne #1:
I try not to make them look exactly the same when I paint the same character more than once - although they do have a tendency to resemble one-another. I guess it's like movie and TV adaptations - some people prefer or have more of an affinity with one actor in comparison to another, so I suppose here it gives you a little more choice!
 This is the lovely eldest Dashwood sister, Elinor (#2!)
Original Elinor Dashwood portrait - acrylic on paper (5 x 7.8")
I rather enjoyed painting her velvety charcoal dress - want one!

This is Elinor #1:

...of whom prints are already available... CLICK HERE TO SEE HER ON ETSY
There are also a few new little ACEO girls available, whom I didn't get chance to blog about yet. A couple have gone already, but do have a rifle through the 'Original ACEOs' section if you wish ;)
Oh and I haven't yet shared with you my new wallpaper design! It's taken from my little 'Alice'-inspired toadstool painting:
One day soon, I'm hoping to order enough to cover at least part of a wall. I think it would look amazing in a child's bedrrom, ina  little alcove or something... If you like it, you can see it if you CLICK HERE, TO SEE MY SPOONFLOWER SHOP. SOOO excited!
Hope you're having a wonderous week!

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