Last week of Amelia's Autumn half-term, including tuck shop cake-baking; a book and reading week; a karate-grading (and new belt - yay!); open day at school and other events.
Family to visit (my mum and Amelia's dad Andrew) for the last couple of weeks, which was so, so lovely - I just wish I could have spent more quality time with my mama! We did get to visit this bit of London together though:
Then we went to Tate Britain and met with t'other Jess and her lovely mama Miriam at th Pre-Raphaelite exhibition! Yes we can now say we have seen the ORIGINAL Millais' Ophelia,
... Rosetti's The Beloved and Henry Wallis' Chatterton. I'm not quite sure why we didn't take photos together, but it was a bit (VERY) crowded in there.
Amelia's VERY belated birthday party, which turned into a Halloween party. Just eight extra little girls for games, music, a movie (Labyrinth!) and dinner.
That isn't so very difficult, is it? I mean, there are enough of us to help out, so it should all go smoothly...
Oh. Right. No not everyone gets a prize at Pass The Parcel - only the winner...and why isn't the dinner cooking? Is the oven broken? Oh no! The movie is too scary for you? REALLY?! Oops! Scarred for life!
Now I understand why more people don't do that, and hope one day soon to return to normal.. Still waiting...
Somehow, on this day, our internet went down, so I couldn't do anything with the shop, and could only occasionally reply to customer's messages, and spent an extra fortune on internet connection through my mobile network. Never good, but needs must...
Oh and then a couple of days after that, as I had been promising for months, Amelia's friend came round for a sleepover.
There they are, with a midnight feast!
It took five days, which seemed like a lifetime, to get back online again, thanks to Rob, who unravelled what the cabel guy was saying over the phone when I couldn't fathom anything.
On Sunday, I met up with long-lost-best-friend Audrey, dinosaur expert and her fantastic mummy! Well done Aud for taking photos!
Still not sure if I prefer this one....
or this one...
The Natural History Museum is one of my favourite buildings in the world.
Just look at these climbing monkeys and love them (also in the foreground in the photo above)!
After saying a sad farewell, Amelia and I headed home for a cosy evening watching some Monty Python with Rob. Then just as I was saying goodnight to her (she was at that moment under her bed, reading a book - the bed is elevated as you can see in the sleepover photo up there ^ somewhere), I cracked my head on the wood and bent my neck back. I thought it was OK that evening, but yesterday and today have been agony. I can't turn my head, can't lift my arms, can't sleep....and can't paint, as my neck is in a weird position (and yes I've tried putting the canvas at different no avail)! So that is why i've been catching up with computery things today instead.
This is my current to-do list:
...and now I would like to sleep, but really shouldn' I'll try painting again, now the ibuprofen has kicked in again...
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, it won't be quite as long til the next blog update...
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