Friday, 12 July 2013

Upcycling a Rococo dress.

I'll admit, fashion is not something that crosses my mind all that often in the real world. When I say 'real world', i mean actually wearing it and the shoes and bags which go along with it. Maybe twice a year, I'll have a compulsion to go out and splurge on a bundle of cool and eye-catching garments, which I can wear in place of a personality (and just occasionally, that compulsion will coincide with me having a good-taste day!), but I'm not one of those girls who wants to shop whenever they have a spare moment. I can't. I feel rather useless and as though I've totally wasted a day. Retail therapy doesn't work for me. Aren't I tedious?! Still, sometimes if I go out, I'll suddenly want to go crazy - wear something different - and then just end up wearing some strange concoction of leaves, lace and bread. Or something. So mostly, I play it safe/boring now.
However, I am a little obsessed with this dress at the moment. I'd wear that. Not sure where, but I'd find somewhere! You wouldn't normally combine yellow, pink and gold, would you? But there we go. It works here. It's genius. I painted a little 18th century lady wearing a similar dress
Click here to find her IN THE ETSY SHOP.
Then, I thought "What if the dress WAS a little more pret-a-porter?" and came up with this:
A little fifties lady, like many of my paintings. So, has she redesigned a fabric similar to the original Rococo one? or...SHOCK..has she 'upcycled' that actual dress?! Surely, a face like this couldn't perform such a heinous act?

 I shudder and hope for the former. You can find her by CLICKING HERE.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Jane Austen Postcards

They're finally here and all packaged up!

After a long wait and many requests for a postcard set, I've been able to add them to the shop.

As I was putting them together, I couldn't help imagining all the uses for them. Here in the UK, whenever we can, we go and stay in a National Trust Holiday Cottage. Admittedly, we haven't done it for a while, but if we were to, I think it would be nice to send out some postcard invitations to friends. That website though - you can get lost in it, so be careful! I'd love to visit quirky little places like this, or this, purely for the excellent name. The latter looks like a place I would like to write some poetry...if I could... 
..and this place is here... Ahhh...

The postcards would be excellent Book Club party invitations, or for a Regency ball or dinner party, or even a wedding!

Anyway, have fun whatever you do this Summer (or Winter, depending on your hemisphere...) I hope you like them. 

 Happy writing!

Monday, 10 June 2013

Floral babies

Just a few pretty garden pics. With all the rain this year, the sudden few burst of sunshine have brought out SO MANY lush colours! There's something new every day I go out to check on the garden! 

In Amelia's little wildflower garden (which the bees have just found :)

 Feeling sorry for this little geum, who bloomed so beautifully and strong last year - this year, she's being inundated with aphids! I've given her a good feed to give her extra strength, and there should be a good rainfall later, so fingers crossed she'll pick up.
The other, yellow geum is much happier.
I'm working on a few arty pieces, so should have more to show you very soon! 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

New Austen Prints

My mind is completely frazzled today - probably because I've been thinking too much about recent news events both here and in the States...and the world over for that matter. Maybe I should give the news channels a rest for today and just paint and think about pretty things...speaking of which...

I thought I'd make up some new prints from recent paintings! Hope you like!



Friday, 10 May 2013

New Kickstarter goal and extra goodies...

Shhhh! Lydia Bennett has something to whisper to you...

 Yessss! Only £28 to go on the Jane Austen Postcards Kickstarter Project and I've decided to add some extra goodies if we can take it up to £200...

For ALL pledges £10 and over, I'll add in there a pack of the popular Jane Austen bookmarks, normally on sale over at the ETSY shop for US$9.50 (currently £6.29).

The bookmarks are each feature a different character from Miss Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' (the five sisters and Mr Darcy) and are really popular especially over the Holiday period.

So spread the word - the more we can pledge together, the more freebies, bargains and surprises I can give to you!
Thank you so much for your help!

~ Jess (& Lydia)

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Jane Austen Postcards

 Hello! Happy Thursday (where do the days go?!)
This is today's workspace. Four commissions for a lady, and a couple of little extras too. 


Some of you will already know about this project I've put up on Kickstarter. I'm so excited about it!

It's a new Jane Austen postcard pack, and you get to win rewards if you pledge a bit towards it (the more you plege, the more you win, as you might have guessed). 
If we go over the intended target, I will be able to add extra goodies to each reward, no matter how much you have originally pledged. 

The reverse will look like this:

Please come and help us out here >>> Jane Austen Postcard Pack <<<
Hope to see you there!


Monday, 29 April 2013

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Outcome Of Stepping Back Even Further In Time...

We've stepped back even further in time today: 

 "Paris Dance Studio 1911"


The original has already sold, but you can find an 8" x 10" print if you CLICK HERE.

Thank you!


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Tale of a Paris Dance Studio and Playing With Light

 Yesterday, I painted a little version of this fellow, as part of a larger painting I'm currently working. As I painted, I noticed that, even though it's a tiny painting, if I didn't put the breaks on, I could go on perfecting it forever. There's just too much going on in that iridescence.

 I was particularly taken by this bit:
It has a happy kind of light peachiness. Not silly pink, but warm peach (although silly pink also, occasionally, has its place).

 So I did a little colour-study.
Then things all went a bit Rothko...although completely missing the point, as this is only a 5" x 7"...

Still, I was happy at the pay of light there and wondered how I could use it. Rob bought me this book as an early birthday present last week and I found in there a picture of a room of girls at the opera, practicing for Swan Lake in 1930:
...and you can see what happened after that...
 "Paris Dance Studio, 1933"


Monday, 15 April 2013

A Monday dabble...

I had about half an hour today to paint, so I worked on these legs. They're almost there!
Some other peeks:

Planning on a big old day with my brushes tomorrow. Can't wait! 

We went to an absolutely wondrous wedding in a wondrous setting over the weekend, so I must show you some photos of that tomorrow too!


Sunday, 7 April 2013

Lemon Ginger Mug Cake

 So utterly yummmm!

...and all done in about 6 minutes!
I used this recipe as a base (very heavily) and just swapped a teaspoon or so of the lemon juice with the same amount to grated ginger, although these ratios can be swayed either way. 
I just sprinkled the top with a little icing sugar, but you could of course go crazy with buttercream icing and all sorts of doodads!
It was totally light and fluffy all the way through too! 

I think next time I make this, I'll fill the mug to just over half-way, just so it puffs over the lip of the mug and looks that bit prettier :)


Saturday, 6 April 2013

Down The Rabbit Hole

  The past week, after a year of working on her, I finished the largest of the Alice paintings.
 There's all sorts in there. 

Most importantly, tea, cake and lots of greenery (what more could one want?...)

 Oh yes...books...many books and a couple of globes to ponder over and play 'find the country' games with...

Candles, mirrors and flowers...
