Friday, 10 August 2012

Broad Bean Hummous of the Gods

I adore this summer lunch!


500g of unpodded broad beans
1 clove of garlic
Quarter lemon's worth of juice
1 tbsp Extra Virgin olive oil
Large pinch of salt
Around 5 small sprigs of mint

First, pod your beans. The inside of these things is amazing! Reminds me of a faerie's cosy bed.
In fact, imagine making a human version. I've always liked the idea of pod beds...Anyway...
When you've podded your beans, boil them for 5 mins to soften them up, then take the very green insides of each bean out of its jacket. This is a bit fiddley, but just split the now-loose bean jacket down one side with a fingernail then squeeze it from the other side. Pop!
Next, to use your mortar and pestle (or blender if you prefer). I threw in the garlic and sea salt first and ponded it until it became mush, then added the podded beans.
It's getting exciting now! Pound it together until you get a creamy consistency, but no need to be too perfect about it - lumpy bits are yummy too :)
Next, chop some spearmint. About that much ^ and mix it in, along with your lemon juice and olive oil.
Toast a little bread and drizzle more olive oil on it.
Spread (or dollop, as I do) your bean hummous on there and finish with a tiny bit more olive oil and another sprig of mint!
The mint and lemon reminds me of Greek and Cypriot foods and this is truly a dish from the Gods ;)



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