Thursday, 23 May 2013

New Austen Prints

My mind is completely frazzled today - probably because I've been thinking too much about recent news events both here and in the States...and the world over for that matter. Maybe I should give the news channels a rest for today and just paint and think about pretty things...speaking of which...

I thought I'd make up some new prints from recent paintings! Hope you like!



Friday, 10 May 2013

New Kickstarter goal and extra goodies...

Shhhh! Lydia Bennett has something to whisper to you...

 Yessss! Only £28 to go on the Jane Austen Postcards Kickstarter Project and I've decided to add some extra goodies if we can take it up to £200...

For ALL pledges £10 and over, I'll add in there a pack of the popular Jane Austen bookmarks, normally on sale over at the ETSY shop for US$9.50 (currently £6.29).

The bookmarks are each feature a different character from Miss Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' (the five sisters and Mr Darcy) and are really popular especially over the Holiday period.

So spread the word - the more we can pledge together, the more freebies, bargains and surprises I can give to you!
Thank you so much for your help!

~ Jess (& Lydia)

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Jane Austen Postcards

 Hello! Happy Thursday (where do the days go?!)
This is today's workspace. Four commissions for a lady, and a couple of little extras too. 


Some of you will already know about this project I've put up on Kickstarter. I'm so excited about it!

It's a new Jane Austen postcard pack, and you get to win rewards if you pledge a bit towards it (the more you plege, the more you win, as you might have guessed). 
If we go over the intended target, I will be able to add extra goodies to each reward, no matter how much you have originally pledged. 

The reverse will look like this:

Please come and help us out here >>> Jane Austen Postcard Pack <<<
Hope to see you there!
