"Terrys Heart Jumped As He Realised He May Have Left The Gas On..."
Hello there! This is Terry, so named in homage to the
great wildlife man himself, sadly missed (mostly by we in the UK). See what I cleverly did with the name there?
I have a soft spot for these little guys, as the town I grew up in - Southport, on the northwest coast of the UK, and the nearby reserve of Formby has been quite a refuge for them.
I've been saddened to read that
Hesketh Park, my local park where they thrived for a long time, is now mostly home to greys.
Oh! I feel sorry that the greys are now classed as vermin - it isn't their fault...but still...there it is...
50% ($37.50) from the sale of this item goes to the Red Squirrel Survival trust: http://www.rsst.org.uk/
Found mainly in Europe, red squirrels are now highly endangered due to the influx of grey squirrels, which carry the squirrel pox virus, to which greys are immune, but reds are not!
Please help the little reds out by either donating your own amount, or purchasing this unique piece for your lovely walls :)
Some more facts (taken from the red Squirrel Survival Trust website):
They have four fingers and five toes.
They can be right or left-handed when eating a pine cone.
They can swim.
Reds’ coats moult twice a year, once after winter and then in the late summer before the weather gets colder.
They moult their ear tufts once a year, in late autumn
How cool is that?!
Oh yes...and I've finally put these smiley fellows up for sale too. I've named them Billiam and Sven!
"Billiam Had Really Enjoyed His Early Morning Fry-Up"
"Sven Was Excited About Attending His First Fencing Class"
I kept these two for a few months because, well, I just found it tough to let them go. It isn't usually a problem I have - not with my human portraiture anyway, but the animals, that's different... So if you're out there, good customer, please be sure to treat them well. I have a feeling they bring good luck! ;)